Physician-owned practices generate excellent business opportunities with great jobs for many types of organizations. Groups can engage companies that offer best-in-class solutions for their practice’s needs: charts that need coded and bills dropped to patients; employee benefits or banking services; accounting, tech offerings or provider recruiting.
Sponsors of Practice Wax are demonstrating their support upfront for physician-owned practices. For the past decade, we’ve seen the number of independent groups plummet. And with the groups so went their business opportunities! Until now, we’ve just complained and competed for the remaining business in a rapidly shrinking market.
Our sponsors not only drive down Practice Wax pricing for our physician clients, but they provide incredible industry knowledge in their areas of expertise and have committed to aggressively network with us on behalf of physician-owned practices. We believe harnessing these resources upfront on behalf of Practice Wax clients will enhance our collective results.
For the record:
I. Physician Groups choose whatever entities they wish for all services. There are no obligations or pressure to utilize any third party.
II. Sponsors pay an upfront fee to help defray program costs for Physician Groups. The relationship is similar to exhibiting at a professional conference.
III. Sponsors pay NO Commissions to Practice Wax if they earn a relationship with a Physician Group
Achieving superior results by pulling in the same direction at the same time.
Are you interested in becoming a sponsor?